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An Interview With Justin Connor, CEO At Camp

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Below is our recent interview with Justin Connor, CEO at Camp:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Camp?

A: Camp creates dining experiences with the world’s best chefs at culturally relevant events. Each Camp is an immersive culinary experience that pairs exceptional culinary talent with digital and live artistry. None are remotely alike. We create global, fun, engaging, and delicious events that encourage our guests to escape the pressure of reality and connect with friends in one-off settings that we build from scratch.

Q: Who is your ideal customer and why? 

A: Our ideal customer is a food lover who wants to experience something new and exciting. By taking chefs out of their normal restaurant environment, we empower them to create new things. Our customers participate in that creation!

Q: Can you tell us more about your solutions? 

A: We are storytellers and have the incredible opportunity to work with some of the world’s most thoughtful hospitality professionals. Those looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience with a celebrity chef or for culinary content or products that can elevate their cooking at home – we are that destination.

Q: What can we expect from Camp in the next 6 months? What are your plans?

A: You can expect a big partnership announcement!

Q: What is the best thing about Camp that people might not know about?

A: Building a global culinary platform is the work I hope to do for decades to come. Every single experience we stitch together takes thousands of hours of work and is unlike any other event we previously put on. I am especially proud of the Camp event we hosted with celebrity chef Rasmus Munk of Alchemist in Las Vegas. We intentionally had it coincide with Super Bowl LVIII this past February. It was a very special weekend and we have more to come in the coming 12 months.

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