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Spectafy – Get Photos On Demand – Anywhere You Want!

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Written by: Eric Watson, entrepreneur and co-founder of new startup Spectafy:


Have you ever wanted to know how packed the park is before you head there with your dog for a picnic? Have you ever wanted to know how many people are at the bar before you get in a cab to go there? Have you ever wished you could see how many people are playing basketball at the park before you head down hoping you can get a pickup game going?

We have too, and these are some of the many reasons we are building Spectafy.

Spectafy is a community driven, location-based photo sharing mobile app that connects people with the information they need.

We are excited that the mobile app will begin closed beta in June and will launch soon after!


We (co-founders Mike Kokorich and me) are passionate about data availability and connecting people with information they currently don’t have access to. Both are also big proponents of crowdsourcing and strongly believe in the power of community.

Through recruiting their most gifted friends and wrangling in the best talent, Spectafy has grown into a strong team that focuses on the community first – always.

Spectafy has grown from a need for more information. Google does a great job of ‘organizing the world’s information’ but there is one place where they fall short: real-time, location specific information.

Spectafy answers questions about what is happening right now at the locations you are interested in. Want to know if there is a pickup basketball game at the park right now? What about if your (and everyone’s) favorite bakery has a long line right now? By working together through Spectafy – we can all have the answers we need.

Here are some of the many uses…


Our vision is to leverage advances in mobility, connectivity, and community to connect people with the information they need. We are really excited to continue building our community around this vision.

Check out Spectafy for more information and sign up here for early access!

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