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Frontliners Helps You Schedule, Time, Train, Communicate And Measure Your Employees In One Platform

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Below is our recent interview with Danny Fabricius Fogel, CEO & Founder at Frontliners:

Q: What is your mission?

A: We are on a mission to end bad service experiences in retail, hospitality, and leisure. We do that with a SaaS platform that supports the full employee value chain and help the staff to excel. Imagine you are a company owner or manager in retail, hospitality, or leisure. You want to improve your employees’ performance, but you don’t have the time. Customer satisfaction drops. Frontliners lets you schedule, time, train, communicate and measure your employees simply in one unified platform. Get better reviews, more customers, and higher revenue. What’s not to like? And if you’re “just” a customer, prepare to get better service experiences in the future.

Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?

A: There’s a few to pick from, but I will highlight two of them. One is that we are super proud that Censuum, which is known as the department store of the future, has selected our platform to support their employees in giving their customers a great service experience. To be selected by someone who is truly focused on using the best and most future proof solutions, is a huge compliment. Another exciting announcement is the planned cooperation between the Institute for behavioral economics and Frontliners. Have John A. List and Luigi Butera looking into our data and helping us doing experiments to figure out how we can help our users to be at their best and deliver great service experiences is just unbelievable.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?

A: We have collected all the tools a manager or business owner in retail, hospitality, or leisure needs to administrate and improve their team. The most well-known tools are Scheduling, Performance measurement, Messenger, Personality test, and Learning management. On top of collecting them in one platform they are all build to improve employee performance to give customers a great service experience and buy more. It’s quite difficult to imagine, as it’s a completely new category, but when people see it, they get why it’s the most powerful tool on the market.

Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?

A: We have launched a completely new way to measure employee performance, as the old way didn’t work. We are now working on version 2.0 of the scoring tool and recently received a grant from the Danish Growth Fund to explore this further. We also recently got incorporated in the US and plan to approach US based companies within the next few months.

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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

A: That we are 100 % data driven and can help companies to select the best possible employees from the applications they get, and then train and motivate them perfectly timed for their shifts, measure their performance, and keep doing at time and again. And all of this while saving valuable time for the managers as it’s almost 100 % automated.

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